Femme Lesbian Success Story: Claire & Debbie's Lobster Love Story Part II

5 Why did you decide to go to Fancy a Femme Speed Dating in Manchester? What worked well about Fancy a Femme?
Debbie: I literally saw Fancy a Femme advertised on facebook and thought “what the heck, why not”. I wasn’t looking for a relationship per se, just wanted to meet new and interesting women and see where it leaded. I think the fact that I wasn’t looking or expecting or hoping for anything to happen bigger than friendship allowed me to relax and be myself in that environment. Perhaps my cool, calm exterior helped or maybe it was the free wine tokens that did it, but what happened that evening was greater than I could have predicted or even imagined.
Claire: I wondered to myself if there was any sort of speed dating for women, so I ‘Googled’ lesbian speed dating and the Fancy a Femme event in my home town came up, so I went onto the website to take a look. It was a Tuesday evening, and the event was being held on the Sunday, so I decided to buy a ticket. I still wasn’t sure if I was going to go, but I had my ticket and I thought I would see how I felt on the day….thank goodness I did! I was unsure which age category to attend, as I was too old for the first and a bit too young for the second…I sneaked into the older group-what a good move! It was a great day, a relaxed atmosphere and to be honest, I was a little overwhelmed at being amongst women that were speaking out loud things I was only ever thinking. Face to face meeting is so much better than an online picture, and being given questions to discuss was a welcome break from the usual life questions of work and family.
6. What did you do on your first date? And what happened next…
Debbie: Now I have a tendency to give too much detail with questions like this, so I’ll keep it family friendly and say… we drank tea, ate cake and punted along the river reciting poetry to one another off the back of a cigarette packet :)
Claire: Debbie and I arranged to meet at a bar on our first date…we drank red wine, shared Tapas and found out a little more about each other… :) What happened next continues to be very special and rare.
7. What do you like to do together as a couple?
Debbie: I know it’s a bit of a cliché, but we fit together and orbit around each other really well. I’m a confident and sociable person who is as much of a night owl as I am a daytime adventurer. Claire has the same adventurous streak in her and equally enjoys the simple pleasures in life. I enjoy anything and everything when she’s with me - Love and Adventure is our mission statement :)
Claire: We share a lot of similar likes, but equally we are both interested in setting out to try new things. We eat good food, watch good (and bad) movies together! Walks are a favourite when we venture out, and socialising with friends/meeting new people as a couple. We play squash together and I rarely win! We dance, do hair (really!) and make up (Deb is good with a foundation brush) and meditate every Sunday at 4pm….ok not really, but I know we’d both be up for it! :) Time spent together, whether we’re washing up or dressing up makes me smile inside and out.
8. Is there anything else you would like to tell us? When do we buy a hat ;)?
Debbie: Thank you for firing cupid’s arrow that day and aiming soo directly. The arrow is embedded deep; where is shall hopefully remain for a good long while.
A ‘hat’ purchase is not too presumptuous….let’s wait and see ;)
Claire: It has been the most amazing 5 months, I’m very excited about our relationship and everything we have to look forward to and share together…. I’m blessed and grateful to the Pink Lobster Dating Ladies for throwing love and happiness my way, I could never have dreamt it. I very much hope you will be buying a hat in the not too distant future…Thank you x