The most important thing you're (probably) not doing.
You work hard. I know you do.
You have a lot going on; a lot of pressure on your shoulders. Work is busy, life is busy, you're needed. You're valued for what you bring to the world and as such, you're in demand.
Maybe you train hard too. You put pressure on yourself to do what you need to do to reach your goals. You try to impose discipline on your life and wrestle your eating habits into some semblance of order.
And you make progress. You achieve things. Yay you!
And crash.
Boom. Plateau city. Progress stops. You feel low, flat, down, even depressed. Nothing left to give, you feel like you desperately need a holiday and your motivation just left the building.
Guess what?
That's normal.
You are normal.
It's nothing to worry about.
Where ever there are highs, there are also lows. Where ever you push, you will have to rest. That is the balance of life. Keep pushing and your body will push back at you and unless you listen and respond to that, you'll fall over.
You can't keep carrying a heavy load indefinitely. At some point, you have to replenish. Step back. Invest in the restorative things in life.
Every workout you do, you take from the body. Every goal you chase, you use up some of your power. Every bit of discipline you exert, you tire yourself out that little bit more.
When, in your powerful, busy, full life, do you take time to restore, relax, recover, replenish?
Not as often as you should, I bet.
You know what would be ace?
* If for every workout you did, you also went for a slow-paced 20-30 minute walk.
* If, for every time you worked late into the evening to get something done, you went to bed early the very next night.
* If, every time you had a high pressure day at work, you spent an hour sitting in nature.
* If you're someone who expects a lot from themselves on a daily basis, you spent 10 minutes every morning meditating.
If you aimed for a 1:1 ratio of high energy, high intensity life stuff to rest and relaxation activities.
That would be amazing.
It's just a hunch, but I reckon if you lived that ratio, your plateaus would be shorter, your downs would be less deep and your crashes would hit less frequently and less hard.