5 reasons why you need to forgive your ex(es)

Did one of your exes ever lie to you? Did she cheat on you? Or did she make you feel rejected or unloved?
Let’s face it, no matter how hard you try, at some point in a relationship you’ll have your heart hurt by something your girlfriend said or did. But holding on to your wounded heart not only doesn’t help in your pursuit of new love, but also can keep you from attaining it!
Your ex-girlfriend inflicted heart wounds can leave you with lasting feelings of anger, bitterness or even vengeance — but if you don't practice forgiveness, YOU (not HER) end up paying the higher price by bringing that resentment into every new relationship and by becoming so wrapped up in the wrong that you can't enjoy the present.
When you are angry at and upset with your ex, forgiveness may seem like the last thing you'd want to consider, but here are five reasons why you need to:
- Forgiveness at its minimum is being able to let go of the anger, bitterness, resentment, or despair toward the ex who wronged you. It means finding peace and taking care of yourself in a healthy way so you can move forward in your life rather than remaining stuck in the past.
- Forgiveness is a choice that you make for yourself and for your own benefit, not the benefit of your ex. You don’t even need to tell your ex that you’ve forgiven her, unless you want to.
- Forgiveness doesn't mean that you are approving, accepting, dismissing or condoning what your ex did; forgetting what happened; or minimizing or justifying the wrong. You can forgive the person without excusing the act.
- Strong negative emotions like anger and bitterness are toxic to you and those around you. Letting go of grudges can make way for compassion, kindness, gratitude and peace all of which lead to healthier relationships, less anxiety and stress. Research shows a powerful connection between forgiving others and our own level of physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.
- It is never too soon or too late to forgive. You must realize that your past doesn’t dictate your future unless you let it. Even if things have been very difficult in the past, you always have the ability to forgive in the present. When you do, you open a doorway to peace - both inner and outer.
Did you consider these 5 reasons why you need to forgive your ex(es) but you’re still skeptical about embracing forgiveness because you'd rather satiate your thirst for vengeance? If so, then consider this: forgiveness is THE way to get even as your sweet revenge is leading a happy life. Oscar Wilde said is best, "Always forgive your enemies. Nothing infuriates them so."