UK Members: Free Femme Makeover and Photoshoot

We are proud to be working in partnership with The Fresh Group.   The largest photographic company in the UK, with over 100 studios  nationwide, have joined forces with Pink Lobster Dating to offer the  world’s first free dating makeover and for ALL UK members.   The company’s strong belief in Pink Lobster Dating’s concepts  including online safety and a human approach to online dating has brought together this unique and secure partnership.  Our  determination and focus on safety and security of all our members  is what makes us particularly excited about this venture.  Every single UK member of Pink Lobster Dating will NOW  receive a  FREE makeover and photoshoot plus  1 downloadable image worth £150.  This image will prove that you are REAL and GENUINE.  The makeover is a wonderful confidence boosting experience (and we should know as we have all had one).  Plus you will have  gorgeous photos of yourself that you can use on your profiles (and anywhere else you so wish). Pink Lobster Dating directors went along to The Fresh Group  London Studio to have a fantastic makeover and photo shoot and to show you what makes a good profile pic.  Take a look at what NOT to do with Emma Ziff’s photos and  examples of good profile pics with Juliette Prais’ photos. Emma Ziff, Director of Pink Lobster Dating and Director of Matchmaking for Pink Lobster Dating: Femme for FemmeJuliette Prais CEO and Founder of Pink Lobster Dating the world's only exclusive site for femme women to meet femme women whether you are lesbian, bisexual or just like women. Pink Lobster Dating helps members who pay a minimum of 1 month to find your catch for life with a genuine  no catch Makeover and Photoshoot (worth £150).  And we mean NO CATCH!!  Learn more about this honestly amazing groundbreaking partnership by watching the video below.  Directors of Pink Lobster Dating, Juliette Prais and  Emma Ziff, and CEO of CCC Ltd, Charlie Kaufmann explain why this makeover is really a once in a lifetime opportunity to have a truly unique dating experience.

US Members! We’re hope to launch your makeover and  photoshoot. CCC Ltd Fresh Photography also own 250 studios in the  States and we are aiming to provide this service to you in turn too.  In the meantime we are delighted to offer all US members who pay  a minimum of 1 month’s membership a FREE personalised online  Profile makeover worth $99.    To take advantage of this, email